Templar Sunday Service - Easter Sunday - April 17 2022

Templar Report
Published on Apr 17, 2022
Emergency Ukraine War Appeal: https://www.knightstemplarorder.com/ukraine-support
Cambridge KJV Large Print Bible: https://www.knightstemplarorder.com/cambridge_kjv_large_print_bible

Sunday Collection for Building Fund: https://www.knightstemplarorder.com/st_donard_templar_priory_project

Large Pulpit / Family Bible:

? Join us on VK: https://vk.com/knightstemplarorder
? Templar Bible: https://www.knightstemplarorder.com/templar_bible
? Family Bible : https://www.knightstemplarorder.com/family_bible
? Templar Bible with Apocrypha: https://www.knightstemplarorder.com/templar_bible_with_apocrypha
⚔️ Warrior package reduced: https://www.knightstemplarorder.com/warrior_package_reduced
?‍⚖️ Join today: https://www.knightstemplarorder.com/affiliate_membership

? Members can join our discord: https://discord.gg/NPGWbZh
? Follow us on telegram: https://t.me/KnightsTemplarOfficial


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