Pentangeli74 followers 0 Your Subscription Pentangeli74 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Streams Playlists More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1292 days ago22:27 Pentangeli74 has commented on 8pm Live Stream (Purged) | French Priest Murder... No matter what else goes on with Covid restrictions, we can't let the newspaper fail.. 1292 days ago22:24 Pentangeli74 has liked a stream 8pm Live Stream (Purged) | French Priest Murdered By Rwandan Migran... ✅ Order Issue 8: ✅ Join Síol na hÉireann: ✅ Fenian Book order: ✅ Issue 7: 1303 days ago01:07 Pentangeli74 has commented on 8pm Live Stream (Purged) | Mandatory Vaccines I... "Murder By Injection" is the name of the book by Eustace Mullins. The book covers the origins of Vaccines, Cancer hospitals in the USA and the various treatments, with Chemotherapy being the main one. Eustace Mullins is a terrific resource. His mentor was the critic Ezra Pound. I can recommend this book 100%. 1303 days ago00:55 Pentangeli74 has liked a stream 8pm Live Stream (Purged) | Mandatory Vaccines Incoming | 29/7/21 ✅ Issue 8 Fundraiser: ✅ Join Síol na hÉireann: ✅ Fenian Book order: ✅ Issue 7: 1506 days ago23:13 Pentangeli74 has commented on 7pm Live Stream | Harry from Strabane - Sinn Fé... The general public need to asking serious questions about the ingredients in these Vaccines. 1506 days ago22:32 Pentangeli74 has liked a stream 7pm Live Stream | Harry from Strabane - Sinn Féin Traitors | 8/1/21 ✅ Irexit Petition: ✅ Issue 6 Fundraiser: ✅ Order Issue 5 Now: ✅ Join Síol na hÉireann: ✅ Síol na hÉireann Store: 1516 days ago04:46 Pentangeli74 has commented on 7pm Live Stream | Harry from Strabane | 28/12/20 What's the people's opinion of the Irish literary poet and dramatist George Bernard Shaw? 1516 days ago04:33 Pentangeli74 has commented on 7pm Live Stream | Harry from Strabane | 28/12/20 @Pentangeli74: the excuse at the time was that the Allies needed to bring the war to a quick close as they didn't have the manpower to invade the Japanese mainland. 1516 days ago04:31 Pentangeli74 has commented on 7pm Live Stream | Harry from Strabane | 28/12/20 @VINEGARHILL: Urikami Cathedral was known as the Vatican of Asia. Hiroshima was a dry run as Nagasaki was the real target for destruction in August 6th 1945. Emperor Hirohita didn't renounce his divinity so the Enola Gay dropped those bombs to deliberately target the 50,000 Christians living there. Another thing worth pointing out was that President Truman was a 33rd degree Freemason and he was also a Grandmaster of the Ku Klux Klan in Missouri in the 1920's. 1516 days ago04:27 Pentangeli74 has commented on 7pm Live Stream | Harry from Strabane | 28/12/20 @VINEGARHILL: absolutely and it was President Harry S Truman that ordered those nuclear bombings.