DavexKingsRegiment followers 0 Your Subscription DavexKingsRegiment - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Streams Playlists More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 624 days ago17:49 DavexKingsRegiment has commented on Jayda Fransen - EUSSR - LIVE 5PM - 9th June Ukraine Christians were Ruled by the The Savage slave desling Turkish Ottoman Empire for 600 years. Russia invaded in 1783 not long after the USA independence War! 624 days ago17:40 DavexKingsRegiment has favorited a stream Jayda Fransen - EUSSR - LIVE 5PM - 9th June BOYCOTT PRIDE MONTH: https://www.britishfreedomparty.com/boycott_pride_month JOIN BFP: https://www.britishfreedomparty.com/membership 624 days ago17:29 DavexKingsRegiment has liked a stream Jayda Fransen - EUSSR - LIVE 5PM - 9th June BOYCOTT PRIDE MONTH: https://www.britishfreedomparty.com/boycott_pride_month JOIN BFP: https://www.britishfreedomparty.com/membership 624 days ago17:28 DavexKingsRegiment has commented on Jayda Fransen - EUSSR - LIVE 5PM - 9th June He killed 10-15 K in his 12 years in Power, Filthy Pedofile also. 624 days ago17:27 DavexKingsRegiment has commented on Jayda Fransen - EUSSR - LIVE 5PM - 9th June Fake Prophet Muhamm Slit Scires of Throats hinself. 628 days ago18:59 DavexKingsRegiment has commented on Jayda Fransen - MSM Lies and Spins - LIVE 5PM -... Hi all Dave that ex Fake Knight. lost all my emails ,& 20 Gigabyte of Data due to Google woke. Just Trying this One out. 628 days ago18:57 DavexKingsRegiment has liked a stream Jayda Fransen - MSM Lies and Spins - LIVE 5PM - 5th June BOYCOTT PRIDE MONTH: https://www.britishfreedomparty.com/boycott_pride_month JOIN BFP: https://www.britishfreedomparty.com/membership