VINEGARHILL followers 0 Your Subscription VINEGARHILL - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Streams Playlists More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 783 days ago02:03 VINEGARHILL has commented on 8pm Live Stream | Leave Our Kids Alone - Sex Ed... @LordStompy: They wanted to create another Syria in the Phillipinnes. They did and then all of the Pacific would have lit up. I encourage you to study the Phillipinnes its history and its military esp as the Reconquista was completed there.They shoot straight and get the job done. Did they what. Marawi was Round 1. Round 2 is coming. Where and when ? They do not want Taiwan mate they want Treasure Island - Australia and they are coming for it. 784 days ago20:59 VINEGARHILL has commented on 8pm Live Stream | Leave Our Kids Alone - Sex Ed... @LordStompy:The Brits are not coming to save their Backward Colonial Cr*p holes NZ or AUS they can bang their drums in Ulster but a REAL WAR for their Beloved Fricken Empire and these people are going to be a NO SHOW .. again The Australian Government Funded the Murder of Catholic Christians in Marawi (it did) does that sound familiar? same ole same ole. 784 days ago20:49 VINEGARHILL has commented on 8pm Live Stream | Leave Our Kids Alone - Sex Ed... @LordStompy:The Poem 1923 predicts WW2 and WW3. Kevin Rudd is now saying there will be a War between US and CHINA within 5 years. No kidding Nostrodamaus. Australia has 1 months fuel reserves. The Pacific is where the balance of World Power is decided. Siege of Marawi 2017 first Battle of the New Pacific War - Aus Aid Aus GVT Gave $7 million AUD to fund Terrorists. 794 days ago19:22 VINEGARHILL has commented on 8pm Live Stream | Leave Our Kids Alone - Sex Ed... A Job for McGuinnes Banjo Patterson 1923 Poem predicts WW2 and WW3 in the Pacific IRISH in AUSTRALIA - Prepare for War or Prepare to Leave. The Next War in the Pacific will make the Current War in the Ukraine look like the Teddy Bears Picnic. 794 days ago19:19 VINEGARHILL has commented on 8pm Live Stream | Leave Our Kids Alone - Sex Ed... Oh, it's dreadful to think in a country like this With its chances for work - and enjoyment That a man like McGuinness was certain to miss Whenever he tried for employment. 794 days ago19:18 VINEGARHILL has commented on 8pm Live Stream | Leave Our Kids Alone - Sex Ed... This was excellent show and very informative and educational God bless you all :cross:️:pray::thumbsup: 794 days ago19:18 VINEGARHILL has commented on 8pm Live Stream | Leave Our Kids Alone - Sex Ed... He wrote to employers from Bondi to Bourke, From Woolloomooloo to Glen Innes, But he found - though his wife could get plenty of work - There was never a job for McGuinness. But perhaps - later on - when the Chow and the Jap Begin to drift down from the tropics, When a big yellow stain spreading over the map Provides some disquieting topics, 851 days ago11:45 VINEGARHILL has commented on 8pm Live Stream | Leo Varadkar & the Gimp S... The World went to War because Poland was invaded then they handed that to Stalin. Polish Pilots who fought in the Battle of Britain were not allowed to March in the Victory Parade. It gets better then post WW2 Mother England Nuked Australia harder than Japan was nuked. With the British as Friends who needs Enemies. The good ole Brits the People who invented the Concentration Camp. Australians think they are coming to help next War in the Pacific beep Wrong. 857 days ago19:39 VINEGARHILL has commented on 8pm Live Stream | Leo Varadkar & the Gimp S... Gareth Jones Welsh Journalist exposed the Holodomor - Murdered by Chinese Bandits - or were they Communist Agents? Holodomor Genocide by Starvation - like the Irish Famine. Garrison and remove the food. The Betrayal of the Cossacks WW2 is just another British War Crime. Now they and the EU are all pretending to Care About Ukrainians and Democracy. Seriously ? 857 days ago12:53 VINEGARHILL has commented on 8pm Live Stream | Leo Varadkar & the Gimp S... Britian and American cared so much about Ukrainian Independence and Democracy post WW2 they made damned sure that as many of them were sent to the Gulag or Concentration Camp post WW2. Also look up the use of Chinese Professioinal Communist Torturers by the Cheka. They Want the Ukrainians out of the Ukraine like they want the Irish out of Ireland.