David Johnson followers 0 Your Subscription David Johnson - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Streams Playlists More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 442 days ago14:30 David Johnson has commented on The reality of the CRUSADES - Templar Report Islam is not a false religion, I can confirm it actually is a legitimate religion that has its place in the world; just not in the British Isles or Europe; Christianity is another legitimate religion better suited to our people, heritage and values and challenges we face, although needs to be taught at a deeper level than what McChurches do. 448 days ago12:06 David Johnson has commented on BFP - Israel and The Nuclear Bomb - LIVE 5PM - ... Sew up your hems, people. Baal is likely Evil Lord Sauron in the Lord of the Rings. Nuclear weapons are a paper tiger though and realistically can never be used again after 1945 and are insignificant compared to the power of true divine providence. I estimate Israel's nukes is how the US Federal Reserve, BIS etc and what controls it intends to kick in the chessboard if they lose, if they can't get Russia or N.Korea to do it. 448 days ago11:39 David Johnson has commented on BFP - Israel and The Nuclear Bomb - LIVE 5PM - ... Israel's powers-that-be work closely with the same financial and business crooks that funded and profited from Hitler (US Federal Reserve, BIS etc). Bombs were always gold, blood that never flowed, death lay in his wake, blood that stained his hands. Take away his shield. Tear apart his standard, shouting 'Sanctify, his holy lie' - VNV Nation - Outremer 482 days ago20:24 David Johnson has commented on Is this our generations Holocaust? - Templar Re... The US establishment swamp wants Israel to use nerve gas on the Palestinians, trigger international outrage and subsequently pretend they had nothing to do with it. Th British did the same with Mussolini in the 1930's in his war in Ethiopia; it's in the public domain he and the Italian Fascist party were put into power by MI6. 752 days ago17:21 David Johnson has commented on Templar Report - 1 February 2023 Pride is a sin. Although we are the torchbearers of our people, faith and civilization, we need to ourselves achieve and succeed rather than be proud of what others have done. In saying that, it's also important to create a positive view of our past rather than a negative one. 797 days ago06:50 David Johnson has commented on Templar Report - 16 December 2022 The Khazars genuinely converting to Judaism might've also been instrumental in bringing Europe out of the dark ages. If they believe in Charles Darwin instead of God and see things as a ruthless survival of the fittest contest, do they go about exterminating our people? What happened to the book of Ruth? 797 days ago06:47 David Johnson has commented on Templar Report - 16 December 2022 The US Federal Reserve also funded Hitler. 797 days ago06:40 David Johnson has commented on Templar Report - 16 December 2022 The Ukraine and Crimea is where the Khazars had their homebase during the dark ages (I think they're originally from Kazakhstan and are one of the reasons why China built the Great Wall.) St John of the Goths overthrew them. Was this instrumental in bringing Europe out of the dark ages? 797 days ago06:31 David Johnson has commented on Templar Report - 16 December 2022 Hardly any of the world's media has reported the Ukrainian Holodomor or Great Soviet famines either for more than 90 years; even during the current war. The media are worse than David Irving on this. How many people in the Soviet Union met unnatural deaths due to their own government? 797 days ago06:25 David Johnson has commented on Templar Report - 16 December 2022 The Ukrainians have stockholm syndrome for the Jews. They are traumatised by the Ukrainian Holodomor 1930-1932. It certainly wasn't Russian Orthodox Christians who did it, yet they are scapegoated. Must've been the pink panthers.